Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Education degrees

Graduate study implies the need for a minimum of formal courses and a maximum of independent work under wise supervision. Coursework, in itself, is an inappropriate determinant of graduate progress and achievement. The appropriate determinants are the ability of the qualified student to master the various qualifying and comprehensive examinations which a program requires of the student. That is, not an accumulation of courses, but satisfactory progress through stages of achievement is the mark of a successful graduate career. All work taken by a graduate student in the major area or area of concentration shall be at the graduate level (500 or above). The following Graduate Degrees and Credentials are offered in the School of Education: DEGREES


A Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.) is an advanced degree and requires a minimum of 30 credit hours; however, all program requirements must be met to graduate. An undergraduate degree is one of the requirements for admission.

A Specialist in Education (Ed.S.) is a graduate degree requiring a minimum of 30 hours beyond a master’s degree. The specialist degree is independent of a doctoral degree. Specialist programs do not lead to additional certification.

A Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D.) is a research focused degree that requires 85 credits beyond a bachelor’s degree. Ph.D. programs within the School of Education are highly competitive. Typical candidates have superior academic backgrounds, outstanding recommendations and strong professional experience. A Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) is a practitioner-focused degree that requires 84 credits beyond a bachelor’s (60 beyond the master’s). The Ed.D. program is guided by a practioner-scholar model that focuses on the application of knowledge and theory in education and the social sciences to improve educational practice. In contrast, Ph.D. programs generally follow a scientist-practitioner model.

A certificate documents expertise in a particular area of knowledge. Certification requires 12 to 15 credit hours in relevant courses, and can be completed either during or after graduate study.

An endorsement is added to a Florida teacher’s certificate to denote a particular expertise in an instructional level or methodology. Endorsements are 12 to 15 credits and require a bachelor’s or higher degree with certification in specific academic areas. The School of Education offers endorsements in ESOL, Prekindergarten Disabilities, and Reading.

The Professional Training Option (PTO) is a Florida Department of Education approved pathway for non-education majors to complete the professional Education component, one of the requirements to become a certified teacher in the State of Florida.The Post Baccalaureate PTO consist of 18 credits and has been designed for those persons who hold a baccalaureate or higher degree in fields other than education and wish to enter the teaching profession.Upon completion of the program participants will receive a Certificate of Completion. UM transcripts will indicate that the student has completed a Florida State approved PTO program. Program completers will be eligible for a Temporary Teaching Certificate.

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